Blending Plants for
Specialty Fluids and Additives
Blending Plants for Specialty Fluids and Additives
Brake Fluid Manufacturing Plants
Capacity: 1,000 TO 10,000 LTRS/DAY
Frigmaires offers complete plant and technology for the production of Brake Fluids. These plants are designed to meet international specifications like FMVSS 116- DOT3, DOT4, DOT5, DOT5.1; SAE-J1703, J1704, J1705; ISO-4025, JIS-K-2233 etc; and as per OEM specifications.
The key differences in the brake fluid are mentioned below:
ERBP (Boiling Point)

Kinematic viscosity


Coolants & Antifreeze Making Plants
Capacity: 1,000 TO 10,000 LTRS/DAY
Coolants and Antifreeze protects engines from overheating or freezing. They also lubricate the moving parts like the water pump, head gaskets, cylinder and piston. Both products transfer heat and antifreeze protection to an engine so your car can keep running in optimal condition. Engine coolant is used in conjunction with a liquid cooling system. The liquid cooling system is made up of several components like the water pump, the radiator, the fan, and the thermostat. When the engine is running the coolant continuously cools the engine from overheating or freezing in the case of an antifreeze. Coolant is basically a mixture of Ethylene Glycol or Propylene glycol mixed with water and additives. Coolants are also used for many other heat transfer applications, such as HVAC chillers and solar water heaters. The purpose of the coolant is to prevent a rigid enclosure from undergoing physical stresses and catastrophic deformation at extreme temperatures. Compounds are added to the water to reduce the freezing point of the mixture below the lowest temperature that the system is likely to be exposed to, and to inhibit corrosion in cooling systems. The term engine coolant is widely used in the automotive industry, which covers its primary function of conductive heat transfer.
- Good Heat Transfer
- Protection Against Deposits
- High Temperature Protection
- Safe To Use With Hard Water
- Should Not Damage Internal Components
- Reduced Foaming Tendency
- Good Anticorrosion Properties

Transformer Oil Plants
Transformer Oils are electrical insulating oils produced by distillation of virgin paraffinic and naphthenic crude oils followed by modern technologies involving high-pressure hydrogenation and hydro-treatment. Further processing involves removal of moisture and polar impurities to obtain good electrical properties. The technologies result in products with very low pour point, excellent oxidation stability, cooling characteristics and electrical properties.
Naphthenic mineral oil has long been the most preferred insulating liquid for power transformer insulation because it has a good pouring point at low temperatures, good thermal cooling capacity, low cost, high efficiency, and availability on the transformers market. Transformer oil insulates and cools transformers. It’s used primarily in transformers with a primary objective of providing electrical insulation between the primary and secondary coils, but can also be found in other electrical equipment, such as high voltage switches and circuit breakers. Transformer oil must be able to remain stable at high temperatures for long periods of times.
Dissipation of heat generated during the process is also an important function. Electrical insulation is favored by high viscosity and heat dissipation is favored by low viscosity and circulation of fluid. Transformer Oils are very sensitive to contamination by water or dirt and fibres as there is serious loss of electrical properties resulting into ‘Arcing’ and dielectric breakdown. It does not cause immediate damage to the machine but damages the oil. These small arcs expose the oil to a very high corona temperature for split second, resulting into thermal breakdown of oil constituent’s. Thermal breakdown and oxidative degradation of oil could be reduced by incorporation of appropriate low temperature oxidation inhibitors and additives. Some users insist upon ‘uninhibited’ products in some cases oxidation inhibitors are to be blended.
Performance standards for transformer oils are set by IEC, CIGRE and BIS committees in setting performance standards for transformer oils. The newly introduced corrosive sulphur standards are as per IEC 62535, DIN 51353, ASTM D 1275 and CIGRE TF A2. 32.01.
Most common specifications for Inhibited, Uninhibited and K class Transformer oils are IEC 296, IEC 335, IEC 60296, BS 148, ASTM D 3487, ASTM D 5222 IS 33 and , IS 16659
Each plant is supplied with Blenders, Holding Tanks, Transfer Pumps, Pipelines, Valves, Instruments, Control Panel with Automation, Filling Line and a complete set of required Utilities and Lab testing equipments.
1. Blending and Storage Tanks
2. Filtration & vacuum degasification unit,
3. Absorbent Columns
4. Homogenization tank
5. Laboratory instruments

Additive Blending Plants
CAPACITY: 1,000- 50,000 LTRS/DAY
Frigmaires offers complete plant and technology for manufacturing Additive Packages used for manufacturing Lubricants and Greases. The packages are designed to meet API specifications such as SJ, SL, SM, and SN valid for passenger car motor oils and API grades of CH-4, CI-4, and CJ-4 valid for heavy duty diesel oils. We provide solutions for additives/components/packages (API, non-API, specialty), supply chain solutions, base oil sourcing, and inputs on setting up Quality Control lab, instrumentation, and testing capabilities.

Technical Expertise & Sourcing Capabilities:
Aminic, Phenolic, & PANA
Anti-Wear (AW) Agents
Ashless AW & ZDDPs (Primary, Secondary, Mixed)
Corrosion Inhibitors
Alkyl Thiadiazoles, Fatty Acids/Amines/Half-Esters
Low & High TBN Sulfonates, Phenates, & Salicylates
PIBSI & Mannich Based; Functionalized with Boron & Phosphorus, & Antioxidants
Extreme Pressure (EP)
Sulphur Based-SIB, Polysulfides, Sulfurized Olefins & Sulfurized Esters
ATF, Engine Oil, Gear Oil, Hydraulic, Industrial, Grease, & Metalworking
Pour Point Depressants (PPDs)
PMA, Styrene-Ester, & Fumarate Based
Viscosity Index Improvers (VIIs)
Olefin-Copolymers (OCPs), Star Polymers, & Polymethacrylate (PMA) Based
Base Oils
Gr. I, Bright Stocks, Gr. II re-refined, Gr. II, Gr. II+, Gr. III, Gr. IV (PAOs), and Gr. V (Esters)
Finished Lubes
Engine Oils, Gear Oils, ATFs, Hydraulic Fluids, Industrial Oils, Compressor and Refrigeration Lubricants, Jet Turbine Oils, Cutting Oils, 2/4-stroke oils, shock absorber fluids, Way lubricants, Chain lubricants, Paper Machine Oils, Aluminium roll oils, Steel roll oils, Copper roll oils
VI Blending Plants
CAPACITY: 1,000- 50,000 LTRS/DAY
Frigmaires offers complete plant and technology for manufacturing Viscosity Index Improvers for Lubricants. The viscosity index is a measure of a fluid’s change in viscosity relative to its change in temperature. Viscosity index improvers resist the thinning that occurs in a lubricant as the temperature is increased. These additives are polymeric molecules that are sensitive to temperature. Simply put a viscosity index improver (VII)/ Modifier helps a lubricant from becoming too “thin” at high temperatures. If a lubricant decreases in viscosity and becomes too thin, the protective properties are diminished which leads to equipment damage and wear. This ensures the lubricant fully protects the equipment at both low and high temperatures. Viscosity improvers also allow for the formulation of multigrade oils which removes the need for seasonal oil changes.

Capacity: 1,000 TO 10,000 LTRS/DAY
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF; also known as AUS 32 and marketed as AdBlue) is an additive used for reducing exhaust emissions from diesel powered engines installed in Automobiles and Heavy vehicles. The fluid is injected into the system to reduce the NOX, (nitrogen Oxides) which are harmful for the environment. The DEF injected along with the exhaust gases into a SCR catalyst (Selective Catalytic Reduction catalyst) converts and reduces the NOX to harmless Nitrogen and Water vapour to meet Euro 6 standards. The amount injected is mainly dependent on the speed and load of the engine. The temperature of the exhaust gas converts DEF into ammonia which in turn reduces the NOX by over 95%. DEF is more or less mandatory for all new diesel-powered engines such as passenger cars, trucks, tractors, excavators, trains, agricultural equipment and even ships. All cars equipped with SCR technologies must use DEF. Usage of DEF is approximately 5 Litres to every 100 Litres of Diesel.
The product is sold to AdBlue stations in 20 Liters, 235 Liters or in 1000 Liters packs.

Our Scope of Work
Each plant comprises of Blenders, Filters, Heating Unit, Filling Station, Automation with PLC and SCADA, MCC, Pumps, Pipelines, Valves, instrumentation and Utilities.